Calling all builders! Whether you want to show that you’ve got what it takes to build an amazing home, or you just want to improve your skills, Builder 2 Builder is the competition for you. You will interact with some of the best creative minds in SL, see the creative process in action, and get to give and receive positive feedback on builds. We welcome builders of all skill levels, provide you with a nice lot to build on in the best sandbox in SL, and reward the top builds with Linden prizes!
This month’s theme is House of Pane, a residential home made from a variety of window styles and sizes. The home should utilise the shape, size, structure, and function of a variety of windows to create an aesthetically pleasing design that is comfortable and filled with natural light. Think about this build as a home puzzled together by windows. (see the images below)

Some features you may want to consider: scripts for privacy, open floor plan, interior walls that do not extend to the ceilings, second story floors that let in light, such as grids, grates, or other transparent or translucent materials.
You may use beams for support, but there should be no solid exterior walls.
While the examples here have a cottage or country look, don't let that restrict your design. We encourage you to think outside the box and get creative with this competition!
You must use at least 5 different window styles. You will also want to use a variety of window sizes. (see the images below)
Click HERE for examples of various window styles.
Nitty Gritty Details:
When: August 14 - 16
Time: 8 am SLT to 6PM SLT
Who: Anyone who registers and agrees to the rules on the registration page.
Where: Little Blue Fermi Sandbox
Lot Size/Land Impact (prim count) to be announced on the 14th.
Entry Fee: FREE to participate; however, we appreciate any and all contributions you make, our prizes are dependent on the generosity of our builders and sponsors.
Entry Fee: FREE to participate; however, we appreciate any and all contributions you make, our prizes are dependent on the generosity of our builders and sponsors.
Ready to register? Follow this link to our registration form.
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